First Blog

22nd August 2022

So, here it is; my first blog entry on my first personal website!

My reason for starting this is as a result of having an urge to share my poetry and, by extension, my song lyrics with the big wide world.

As scary a prospect that is, I have come to a time in my life where I have the confidence to say "sod it!" and do things which push me way out of my comfort zone.

By sharing my poems, I am sharing myself and many of them will be deeply personal and dear to me. I hope that you enjoy reading them and maybe the words will resonate with you in some way.

I will happily receive comments about what I have written, critical or otherwise.

Anyhow, enough rambling for now; here are the lyrics to the first original song that I wrote back in 2018. Take them literally or metaphorically as you wish...

Rip Me Open

It's all so raw, a jagged edge

that won't knit together and heal.

I am vunerable and weak

unable to feel.

Rip me open, cut away the pain.

Leave me empty

Never to feel whole again.

I need love, I need help

but you don't know, you don't care.

You go to Her, a nameless face

who gives you what you want.

Rip me open, cut away the pain.

Leave me empty

Never to feel whole again.

How can I survive, how can I go on.

What you did, it cannot be undone.

Rip me open, cut away the pain.

Leave me empty

Never to feel whole again.

Never to feel.

Here is the video for the song:

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